Artist’s Zone
    How to sell an NFT work?
    Create a platform user profile
    Register on Verum.ART using
    an email address or social media account. Create a user profile and complete all required information.
    Create a cryptocurrency wallet
    If you wish to use a platform other than Verum.ART — e.g., OpenSea, Rarible or Foundation – remember to create or top up your cryptocurrency wallet. Popular wallets are MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet and Trust Wallet. Save your private key in a secure place and never share it with anyone. A person with access to it could easily withdraw your funds and deprive you of the NFT works.
    Prepare your work of art for sale
    Preparation of the NFT work includes scaling the work you want to sell to a proper size, deciding on the price of the work, adding description and metadata, and selecting the appropriate licence.
    Specify auction parameters*
    Determine whether you want to sell the work immediately at a certain price, or to hold an auction. In the case of auctions, specify parameters such as the starting price, duration of the auction and other terms and conditions of sale.

    * the function on Verum.ART will be available soon
    Monitor the sale
    If you choose the auction option, regularly monitor its progress and answer questions or comments from potential buyers. In case of a sale, also be ready to give a rapid response to any queries from buyers.
    Remember marketing
    By actively promoting your NFT work, you may increase its visibility and effectively attract potential buyers. This may include posting special links to the offer in social media, participation in discussions about your art and the use of other methods of promotion.
    Provide the NFT to the buyer
    Once the auction or sale has ended, proceed in accordance with the rules and procedures of Verum.ART or any other on which the sale took place.
    See also:
    Featured artists
    We introduce you to outstanding artists and the works they have put up for sale especially for you. They make our marketplace special and unique!